Greetings, netizens! I am Jason “The Developer” Devore. Welcome to my blog!

I’ve decided to start blogging (again) because it has been difficult for me to establish significance and purpose across the web’s landscape. For far too long have I forfeited my writing endeavors to the ephemeral realm of Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. While these applications may provide a creative outlet for those who’ve never used the Internet as a platform for transmitting their thoughts, I’ve been a long-time veteran of blogs (even way back when they were called e/n sites) and I am in need of getting back to my roots. Also, I like the idea of customizing the layout and writing style of my web site without having depend on the conventions of the tech behemoth’s walled gardens. This web site is the beginning!

You’ll find essays and shorter articles on software development, music production, and many other topics. My primary focus will be on writing opinion-editorials, introspective letters, and reviews of things I’ve consumed. I’ll also showcase side projects I’m working on through this blog (especially my works involving code and music). Consider this a curated central repository for all of my works. Most of my musings will be for my own therapy, but I imagine someone will be able to gain some value through reading what I have to say.

Please stick around for more posts, articles, rants, raves, embellishments, tales, and narratives from the likes of myself. I bid you a good day and a fortuitous life! 😄